The research team led by Dr. Kim Do-Yup, Principal Researcher at the Advanced Materials Division of Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT), has developed next-generation lithium-ion battery technology that can extend the lifespan by more than three times compared to conventional batteries.
Conventional lithium-ion batteries primarily use graphite as an anode material, but they face limitations such as low energy density and small theoretical capacity. Lithium metal has been considered an ideal electrode material to overcome these limitations, but its low stability and explosion risk have been problematic.
The KRICT research team has developed a new composite material by mixing lithium metal with a lithium-ion transfer material (Al-LLZO). This development not only significantly reduces the growth of problematic lithium dendrites but also extends the lifespan of lithium-ion batteries by more than three times
Source: https://www.chosun.com/economy/science/2024/06/05/Q57TL2KCL5C2FDGJT32H34ZGRA/
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