India is set to achieve major breakthroughs in space exploration, with plans to establish its own space station, Bharat Antariksha Station, by 2035 and land an Indian astronaut on the Moon by 2040, as announced by Union Minister Jitendra Singh. Speaking at a press conference, he also provided updates on the Gaganyaan mission, stating that India’s first human spaceflight is expected by late 2024 or early 2026. In parallel, the Deep Sea Mission will send an Indian explorer 6,000 meters underwater to study marine resources.
Highlighting India's rapid progress in satellite launches, Singh revealed that 432 foreign satellites have been launched from Sriharikota, with nearly 90% in the last decade alone. He also discussed India’s focus on biotechnology, emphasizing the Biotechnology E3 policy, which integrates biotech innovations for economic growth, employment, and environmental sustainability. With these initiatives, the government aims to position India as a global leader in science and technology by 2047.
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