The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has revised the Approved Models and Manufacturers of Solar Photovoltaic Modules (ALMM) Order to include solar PV cells, aiming to strengthen India’s solar manufacturing ecosystem. While the ALMM framework initially focused only on solar modules, the government will introduce ALMM List-II for solar PV cells, effective June 1, 2026. Projects with bid deadlines before this order’s issuance will be exempt from using ALMM-listed cells, even if commissioned after the cutoff date, whereas those with bid deadlines after the issuance must comply with both ALMM List-I (modules) and ALMM List-II (cells). Additionally, a new ALMM List-1(a) will be created for modules using non-ALMM-listed cells, which will only be permitted in exempted projects. From June 1, 2026, only modules that use ALMM-listed cells will remain in ALMM List-I, and manufacturers failing to comply will be delisted. Net-metering and open-access renewable energy projects must adhere to both module and cell requirements if commissioned after the deadline, while thin-film modules from integrated ALMM-listed facilities will be deemed compliant. The government will issue further procedural guidelines for implementing ALMM List-II, reinforcing its commitment to domestic solar manufacturing and quality assurance in renewable energy projects.
인도, 2025년까지 심해 탐사 임무 착수… 해양 자원 개발 본격화
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2025-02-28인도 정부, 태양광 제조 규제 확대… ALMM 개정안 발표
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