Promoting Indo‐Korean bilateral collaborations in basic and applied research and innovation.
Facilitating Technology Development & Tech Transfer at Annual Technology Summit.
Arranging Exploratory visits and Lectures by Eminent Scientists.
Developing knowledge networks for industrial sectors to enhance competitiveness.
Establishing joint knowledge pools to address global challenges between India and Korea.
Serving as a nerve center to promote Indo-Korean technology partnership.
Encouraging public‐private partnerships to foster elements of innovation application and technology.
Nurturing contacts between young and mid‐career scientists and technologists in India and in Korea to develop a sense of mutual trust, partnership, leadership and entrepreneurship.
Supporting an exciting program portfolio that leads to sustainable interactions and strengthens strategic partnerships.
Networking among young researchers and scholars in India and in Korea that leads to participation in mega-science projects.
Coordinating Joint Workshops, Seminars, Frontiers Symposia and Exhibitions.
Science & Technology Articles
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India Korea Center for Research and Innovation (IKCRI) facilitates collaborative research.