A joint research team from Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST), Dong-A University, and Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) has developed core display technology that maintains high resolution even when stretched. While there has been significant interest in developing stretchable display technology beyond conventional flat or curved monitors, existing stretchable displays often use fixed and rigid light-emitting parts with low light-emitting area ratios.
The research team has developed an ultra-thin OLED with excellent flexibility, successfully achieving stretchability and high light-emitting density by hiding some light-emitting areas between two adjacent isolated regions. Furthermore, the team has confirmed that this technology can be used as a stable light source for wearable devices and free-form display on curved surfaces, such as spherical objects or human body parts
인도, 2025년까지 심해 탐사 임무 착수… 해양 자원 개발 본격화
0025-02-28인도 과학기술부, 스타트업과 AI 혁신을 통한 2047 비전 실현 강조
2025-02-28인도 정부, 태양광 제조 규제 확대… ALMM 개정안 발표
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