KRISS Successfully controls ‘Skyrmion’ at 2D Room Temperature for Next-Generation Semiconductor Devices


The Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) has developed technology to control ‘skyrmions’, a crucial advancement for next-generation semiconductor device, at two-dimensional (2D) room temperature. A ‘skyrmion’ refers to a helical structure with magnetism due to electron spin. While previous skyrmion research was conducted only in three-dimensional (3D) magnets, the first study using 2D magnets was reported in 2017.

   The KRISS research team succeeded in generating and controlling skyrmions in 2D room temperature magnets. This technology not only significantly reduces power consumption by about one-thousandth compared to using 3D magnets but also demonstrates high stability and fast speed. The developed technology can be applied to AI semiconductors and room-temperature quantum computers in the future
