Doctors in six Indian hospitals may soon utilize an AI tool, Garbhini-GA2, developed by IIT Madras and THSTI, to improve the diagnosis of fetal abnormalities and accurately determine gestational age, particularly for women attending late-stage pregnancy check-ups. This tool, installed in ultrasound machines, addresses the issue of inaccurate due dates often resulting from second-trimester scans. Garbhini-GA2 aims to reduce infant and maternal mortality rates by providing precise pregnancy dating, enabling timely scans and tests to manage complications and determine optimal delivery windows.
According to the National Family Health Survey, 30-40% of pregnant women in India only receive their first scans in the second trimester, making accurate dating challenging. The tool's initial implementation will be studied in hospitals across NCR, Assam, Gujarat, Telangana, and Puducherry.
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