KIMM Transfers Carbon Reduction Technology to KBR in the U.S.


The Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM) announced that a contract has
been signed to transfer the carbon reduction technology known as CPOx® developed by Dr.
Dae-Hoon Lee and Dr. Sung-Kwon Cho to the global engineering company KBR (Kellogg
Brown & Root). The CPOx® technology being transferred this time is a catalytic partial
oxidation technology that can reduce carbon dioxide emissions through fuel diversification
in the catalytic partial oxidation process of the catalytic cracking process (NCC process).
This technology involves supplying methane generated in the process instead of fuel oil to
the catalytic regenerator in the catalytic cracking process of the NCC process as a heat source
to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The research team has developed a technology to react
methane using the catalyst in the process, decompose it into carbon monoxide and hydrogen,
and supply it to the catalytic regenerator. This not only solves the problem of abnormal
combustion but also reduces the production cost of olefins by securing carbon emission
