Cipla Limited announced a collaborative research agreement with CSIR-Central Drug
Research Institute (CSIR-CDRI) to develop a novel ophthalmic formulation for treating
fungal keratitis. This partnership aims to combine both organizations' expertise to create a
safe and effective treatment. Fungal keratitis affects about 1.2 million people globally each
year, with higher incidences in tropical countries. Risk factors include ocular trauma, steroid
eye drops, poor hygiene, and contact lens wear. Current treatments face challenges such as
prolonged usage and drug resistance. This collaboration with CSIR-CDRI highlights their
dedication to affordable healthcare, building on their ongoing partnership in developing
Levormeloxifene for contraception.
인도, 2025년까지 심해 탐사 임무 착수… 해양 자원 개발 본격화
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