Researchers from MIT CSAIL and Google Research have developed "Alchemist," a
diffusion model that modifies material properties in images, such as roughness, metallicity,
albedo, and transparency. Alchemist enhances video game models, visual effects, and robotic
training data by allowing continuous adjustments to these properties. Using a denoising
diffusion model, Alchemist surpasses traditional photo editing tools in its ease and precision
for material transformation. Despite limitations in lighting accuracy, the model shows
potential for advancing 3D graphics and understanding the relationship between visual and
mechanical properties of objects.
인도, 2025년까지 심해 탐사 임무 착수… 해양 자원 개발 본격화
0025-02-28인도 과학기술부, 스타트업과 AI 혁신을 통한 2047 비전 실현 강조
2025-02-28인도 정부, 태양광 제조 규제 확대… ALMM 개정안 발표
2025-02-28정부, '이산화탄소 포집·수송·저장 및 활용에 관한 법률' 본격 시행