The Ministry of Science and ICT announced that the '6G Society' was launched at the
Kensington Hotel in Seoul on July 4, 2024. The 6G Society is a consortium in the field of
6th generation (6G) mobile communication and satellite communication, aimed at leading
the 6G era by enhancing technological exchange and cooperation between mobile and
satellite communications. The inaugural ceremony was attended by around 30 industry,
academic, and research representatives including SK Telecom, Hanwha Systems,
Information and Communication Planning Evaluation Institute (IITP), Electronics and
Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), 6G Forum, Satellite Communication Forum,
and others. The 6G mobile communication is a next-generation communication technology
that is up to 50 times faster in data transmission speed compared to 5G. The South Korean government selected 6G as one of the 12 National Strategic Technologies last year and set a
goal to commercialize it as early as 2028.
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