Prof. Yong-rae Park’s research team from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at
Seoul National University has developed a multi-functional waist motion assistance wearable
suit called BBEX (Bilateral Back Extensor Exosuit) that prevents spinal injuries and assist
in the transportation of heavy loads.
Unlike existing assistive devices that provide support in a single direction, which can be
inefficient for asymmetrical task. The research team mimicked the biomechanics of the
human spine and back muscles, utilizing a multi-degree-of-freedom structure combined with
series-connected linear actuators to overcome the limitations of previous devices.
The newly developed wearable back support suit can effectively reduce muscle fatigue and
the load on spinal joints during heavy-duty transportation and enable natural spinal
movement. The research team plans to continue further research to improve the performance
of the wearable suit in the future such as weight reduction and miniaturization.
Source: https://www.edaily.co.kr/News/Read?newsId=03585046638985352&media
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