Researchers from the Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences (CeNS) have developed a cutting-edge gas sensor based on mixed spinel zinc ferrite (ZnFe2O4) nanostructures, capable of detecting nitrogen oxides (NOx) at ultra-low concentrations down to 30 parts per billion (ppb) at room temperature. Traditional chemiresistive sensors often lack selectivity and require high temperatures, limiting their effectiveness, but this new nanostructure offers enhanced sensitivity, selectivity, and stability.
The sensor's design allows it to detect NO2 concentrations as low as 9 ppb, far below the US EPA's recommended limit of 53 ppb, making it a valuable tool for urban air quality monitoring and vehicle emission detection. The team's findings, confirmed by computational studies, show that the unique cation distribution in the nanostructure enhances NOx adsorption, resulting in superior performance.
인도, 2025년까지 심해 탐사 임무 착수… 해양 자원 개발 본격화
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