Researchers at the S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences have developed a mechanically gated transistor using single molecules, a breakthrough that could revolutionize areas like quantum information processing, ultra-compact electronics, and sensing applications. Instead of using traditional electrical signals, the transistor is controlled by mechanical forces, exploiting a mechanically controllable break junction (MCBJ) technique. This involves creating a precise sub-nanometer gap for a single molecule like ferrocene, whose electrical properties change when manipulated mechanically.
The research team, led by Dr. Atindra Nath Pal and Biswajit Pabi, found that the orientation of ferrocene between silver electrodes significantly influences the transistor's performance. Their experiments demonstrated the impact of molecular geometry on electron transport, highlighting the potential for mechanically controlled molecular devices.
Further studies with gold electrodes at room temperature revealed unexpectedly low resistance, suggesting that low-power molecular devices could become a reality, paving the way for energy-efficient technologies in the future. These innovations could have wide-ranging applications in quantum computing, sensing, and the development of greener, faster electronics
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