Seoul National University (SNU) has announced plans to open a "Defense Engineering Center" and an "AI Space Technology Research Center" as early as next year. In July, SNU’s College of Engineering formed a committee to spearhead the Defense Engineering Center project and is currently undergoing internal reviews for its establishment.
The goal is for SNU’s College of Engineering to play a complementary role as a foundational think tank for national defense-related initiatives. Among the 340 faculty members at the College of Engineering, about 100 are directly or indirectly involved in defense-related research.
Additionally, the AI Space Technology Research Center, which aims to launch the "SNU Space Station" around 2035, is set to open early next year. Recently, the College of Engineering recruited Dr. Young-Jip Ham, a professor from Texas A&M University, as a new faculty member for this semester. Dr. Ham is a space expert who has been researching the remote control of construction robots for building infrastructure on the lunar surface.
Source: https://www.chosun.com/national/national_general/2024/10/14/XUMHMWUP6FDMTPXGOKTV3ATR2I
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