A research team at IIT-Guwahati, led by Prof. Kannan Pakshirajan, has introduced an eco-friendly and cost-effective technique for removing ammonium from wastewater by leveraging the combined action of microalgae and bacteria. This innovative method uses a photo-sequencing batch reactor, where microalgae naturally produce oxygen during photosynthesis, enabling nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria to convert ammonium into nitrogen. This eliminates the need for external oxygen aeration, reducing energy consumption by up to 91.33% compared to conventional methods.
Supported by the Department of Science & Technology (DST-FIST), the study was published in the Chemical Engineering Journal. The system demonstrated robust ammonium removal rates across varying conditions, offering a sustainable and efficient alternative to traditional wastewater treatment processes. Ammonium, a common pollutant from sources like industrial waste and sewage, can cause significant ecological damage, including harmful algal blooms and oxygen depletion in aquatic systems.
By integrating scientific modeling with real-world data, the team’s innovation presents a scalable and environmentally conscious solution that not only mitigates environmental risks but also significantly lowers operational costs, making it a milestone in sustainable wastewater management.
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